Guapo and I

I am a mother of two boys living in Mesa Arizona. I come from a family of animal lover's. My father, brother, and sister-in law are Veterinarians. I am a Certified Veterinary Technician working at a Specialty Dentistry Practice. My other love is food! Being Filipino part of my culture is to embrace and be thankful of food and also being a world traveler I have sampled many dishes from many places! Let's not forget the reason for this blog too...the many adventures of Guapo the cat :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Just Found This - Six Sisters' Stuff: Cake Mix Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

This is a wonderful blog that I follow and recipes like this is the reason why I follow it! Six Sisters' Stuff: Cake Mix Cinnamon Rolls Recipe As you can tell by the title this blog is written by six sisters who needed each other now more than ever and needed their blog as a way to stay in touch.  Before they started blogging, the sisters were constantly calling each other for recipe ideas, craft projects, and ways to keep their children entertained during long winter days. The blog was the perfect way for the sisters to share  ideas with each other. Six Sister's Blog

Friday, August 3, 2012

Deconstructed Jelly Donuts!

This year my husband and I decided to celebrate our 21st anniversary at Modern Steak. This is a very high- end steakhouse located in Scottsdale Arizona. It is part of the Fox restaurant group know for bringing to AZ remarkable dining experiences. You can check out their fabulous restaurants at: The appetizers and main entrees where of course fabulous but what stood out for me was the deconstructed Jelly donuts! The donuts were perfectly deep fried balls of perfection and came with an equally amazing homemade raspberry jam dipping sauce. As you will quickly find out I have a real big sweet tooth and desserts are definitely my favorite part of a meal. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

He never seizes to stop amusing me or anyone else who crosses his path. This was the view I got from the kitchen the whole time I was preparing dinner. After a long day of work at the animal hospital my Guapo never fails in his quirkiness and his ability to bring a smile on my face :) I love this guy! Judging on how long he held this position, he must of had a long day too.